Setas de cardo
Champiñones de textura mantecosa, suave y aterciopelada.

Hongos especiales con una forma divertida y un sabor delicado
Cuando piensas en los hongos, tu mente probablemente viaja hacia el rico sabor umami, la versatilidad o los beneficios nutricionales. ¡Los hongos ostra aportan las mismas cualidades a la mesa y mucho más!
No te dejes engañar por su intrincada apariencia. Debajo de ese exterior divertido, setas de cardo Destacan por su textura suave y aterciopelada. Tienen un suave sabor a pimienta que se ha descrito como un delicado sabor a marisco o un ligero sabor terroso.
Las ostras se cocinan rápidamente y normalmente se disfrutan salteadas, fritas, horneadas o rebozadas. Cuando se doran en una sartén, se colocan en una freidora o incluso se hornean en el horno, los bordes de las ostras se vuelven deliciosamente crujientes.
Aquí hay un dato curioso sobre estos divertidos hongos: aunque normalmente encontrarás estos hermosos hongos en grupos de color gris claro o gris pardusco, ¡también se pueden encontrar en rosa, amarillo pálido o azul!

More Than Just a Fancy Mushroom
Although these exotic mushrooms magnify the flavor in the dishes you love, Shiitake mushroom benefits make them more than just a fancy mushroom trend.
Although you probably already know the amazing health benefits of mushrooms in general — including B vitamins, Potassium, Selenium, Copper, and Ergothioneine — each variety of mushrooms packs its own power in supporting your health.*
Fresh Shiitake mushrooms offer 40% of the recommended daily intake of copper, which is known for keeping bones and nerves healthy.
In addition, Shiitake are known for their ability to support the immune system, offer strong cardiovascular support, and may protect against inflammation. These specialty mushrooms may potentially prevent and treat cancer, lower high cholesterol, and treat infections.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant or lactating, have a medical condition, or are on medications, please consult with your licensed healthcare provider before using nutritional supplements
Get To Know Our Specialty Mushrooms
Oyster Mushroom FAQs
Is it safe to eat exotic mushrooms like Oysters?
It is safe to eat commercially cultivated Oyster mushrooms that are sold in stores. However, we always recommend that you avoid wild or foraged mushrooms unless you are being supervised by a certified mycologist or mushroom expert.
How are Oyster mushrooms commonly used?
Oyster mushrooms are delicious sauteed with butter and onion, and are often used in stir-fry recipes because they cook quickly. They also make a great stand-in for calamari when breaded and fried or can be used in place of clams, scallops, and mussels. Oysters are delicious roasted!
Check out our recipe library for more mushroom inspiration.
How should I wash Oyster mushrooms?
This is a very common question about mushrooms. We don’t recommend you submerge mushrooms in water as it could cause them to be damp and slimy. Instead, to preserve the texture, wipe them off right before you are ready to use them.
What do I need to remember about cooking with Oysters?
When cooking with mushrooms, remember selection, storage, and stems.
For the freshest Oysters, select clusters that are firm and dry but not dried out. You’ll need to store them in the original packaging or a paper bag in the refrigerator. And those stems? Oysters are completely edible from cap to stem!
Are Oyster mushrooms sustainable?
Mushrooms are gentle on the planet; growing them requires little water or energy and produces little carbon emissions.